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New York Needs Strict Air Quality Rules Due to Its Air Problem
New York Needs Strict Air Quality Pollution has always played a harmful part throughout New York. The overuse of energy, cars, powerplants, etc. is causing problems to the air quality. …

Women’s Rights: Trans Women Are Women Too
When people speak of women’s rights, they don’t think that trans women should be included. However, trans are women at the end of the day, so they should be included and …

Autonomous Driving Is Safe
The world’s technology has definitely been changing through the years. Recently, New York has thought about putting autonomous cars on the road, cars that can drive on their own without a …

How New York’s Legalization of Marijuana is Affecting Communities
Introduction In March of 2021, the use of weed was legalized in New York by Governor Andrew Cuomo. But this did not only bring good outcomes but also brought up …

Why New Yorkers Need To Get Vaccinated
Last year was taken away from us by a devastating pandemic that stopped the world. Now that it is one year later we have developed a vaccine to protect ourselves …