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NYC Releases Its First Nuclear Preparedness PSA In Decades: Could This Help the Push for Nuclear Disarmament?
Introduction Although it can be hard to imagine the horrors of nuclear war, with 12,700 active nuclear warheads in the world, the threat of a nuclear bomb being dropped is …
Fake News: How Combatting This Will Help African Americans
Introduction It is common for New Yorkers to absorb news media everywhere they look without noticing it, whether it is from their television prior to heading to work in the …
Why NYC Needs Stricter Gun Laws
Gun Violence… one of the biggest issues our city faces. It leads to a rise in crime and death, leading to many citizens feeling uneasy and unsettled walking through the …
The NYC Shelter Problem: How The Animals Are Being Ignored
Introduction Most of us have had 1 in our lives at some point. Between someone’s furry friend growing up, a pet they kept as a hobby or maybe a friend …
The MTA Promises to Make Subways 95% Accessible: Is Their Plan Enough?
Introduction Many New Yorkers are able to travel like clockwork, muscle memory swiping their card and pushing themselves through the turnstiles, climbing the stairs to a platform and waiting for …