How Street Art is Shaping Activism in New York
Introduction Those who live in New York City are sure to be familiar with its street art: the large, decorative murals found on the sides of shops, houses, schools and parks. If you aren’t really paying attention, these murals might just seem like a brightly colored addition to the otherwise …
NYC Releases Its First Nuclear Preparedness PSA In Decades: Could This Help the Push for Nuclear Disarmament?
Introduction Although it can be hard to imagine the horrors of nuclear war, with 12,700 active nuclear warheads in the world, the threat of a nuclear bomb being dropped is a very real global concern. Yet, it is one many forget to acknowledge, until a foreboding message pops up in …
The MTA Promises to Make Subways 95% Accessible: Is Their Plan Enough?
Introduction Many New Yorkers are able to travel like clockwork, muscle memory swiping their card and pushing themselves through the turnstiles, climbing the stairs to a platform and waiting for the train to rush into the station. Listening to the robotic voice call out to “Stand Clear of the Closing …